Action Produces Information
Action produces information, and this is a very good thing if you’re going for something big!
This is true for building a business as it is for anything worth pursuing.
Consider that the information that gets created is neither good nor bad — it’s actually pretty neutral. Do with it what you will.
But the real value comes when you start to create feedback loops with this data.
The more information you create, the more data points you’ll have to make better-informed decisions about what path to take.
This means that taking any sort of action directly leads to more information being created.
But it’s not a 1-to-1 relationship.
Taking one simple action can ultimately result in multiple outcomes and scenarios being created. Crazy how the world works, but it’s true, especially when people are involved. This becomes really important when you’re doing experiments to see what works and what doesn’t.
These outcomes then feed back into the inputs, producing even more information and allowing you to course correct, resulting in a very powerful positive feedback loop that brings you closer to what you want.
It’s the compounding effect that ultimately creates momentum for whatever you’re trying to do.
So basically do something, anything.
Taking any form of action is the best thing you can do to move forward. Not doing anything means you’re going backward. Even when you’re facing the worst of times, it’s better to get up and keep moving, no matter how small.
Just keep going.
A series of short notes as a reminder for myself (and others) on how to do great work.
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